Professional Quality & Accuracy Guaranteed*
Mobile Notary Public Serving Maricopa County
and RON (Remote Online Notary) Services Worldwide
Professional Quality &
Accuracy Guaranteed*
Mobile Notary Public Serving Maricopa County
and RON (Remote Online Notary) Services Worldwide

Over 13 Years of Experience
Sometimes there is a medical or other reason why a mobile notary is necessary such as when someone is immobile, in an assisted living facility, hospice or in rehabilitation due to an injury or illness. At other times, life is just too busy to drop what you’re doing because you need to find a bank that actually has a notary on staff at the day and time you need it! What about that school permission slip you forgot about and it’s now after 5pm at night? We can assist you with those “notary emergencies.”
Just give us a call… simple and easy… day or night.
Hours of availability are typically 10am to 7pm seven days a week.**
*We guarantee to complete your documents accurately and correctly. If an error ever occurs on our notary’s part, contact us within 30 days and we will come back to the same location and redo the same documents, no charge. Our notaries are trained to follow statute, rules, and notary guidelines. If your documents are prepared by an attorney, we will notarize with his/her special instructions such as extra witnesses. We will do our best to complete the documents you provide with at least the minimum requirements to make them statute compliant. We are not attorneys and will never offer or give you any legal advice.
Documents we Notarize
Medical POA, DNR,
Mental Health POA, Living Will
Impound Release,
Title Transfer Bill of Sale*
Real Estate Deeds, Mortgage, Probate, Trustee Sales
Divorce Agreement, Adoption, Temporary Guardianship
Financial General Durable POA,
Special POA, Revocation of POA
Last Will Affidavit, Living Trust,
Estate Planning
Certified Copies,
Jail Visits,
Apostille Assistance
I9 Verification, Affidavits, Acceptance of Service
*As of September 2022, Arizona MVD titles no longer require notarization. If you do not have a paper title, a Title Transfer Bill of Sale
form may be used for the transfer or sale of Arizona registered motor vehicles. This form still does require notarization by the
Arizona Motor Vehicle Department, unless signed in front of an MVD agent. If you have any questions, please contact ADOT.